Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Wizard's Promise (Hanna Duology #1) by Cassandra Rose Clarke - Paul's Pre-Reading

*I received this book as an eARC from Angry Robot/Strange Chemistry on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

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Title: The Wizard's Promise (Hanna Duology #1)

Author: Cassandra Rose Clarke
Cover Art: Sarah J. Coleman

Publication Date: May 6, 2014 (US/CAN) 1 May 2014 (UK)

Ashley's The Assassin's Curse Review
Ashley's The Pirate's Wish Review
Ashley's The Witch's Betrayal Review
Ashley's The Automaton's Treasure Review

Ashley's The Wizard's Promise Pre-Reading

Paul's The Assassin's Curse Review
Paul's The Pirate's Wish Review
Paul's The Witch's Betrayal Review

Synopsis: All Hanna Euli wants is to become a proper witch – but unfortunately, she’s stuck as an apprentice to a grumpy fisherman. When their boat gets caught up in a mysterious storm and blown wildly off course, Hanna finds herself further away from home than she’s ever been before.

As she tries to get back, she learns there may be more to her apprentice master than she realized, especially when a mysterious, beautiful, and very non-human boy begins following her through the ocean, claiming that he needs Hanna’s help.

Why?: I really enjoyed The Assassin's Curse and its sequel. I have read one of the short stories as well and I liked that too. My favorite part of that series is the world building. It is such a fantastically large and epic world! This book takes place in that same world so I am very excited to return to such a great place. 

Expectations: I'm expecting to learn even more about this world and travel to locations we may have only heard of in the prior series. It sounds like there will be more magic in this novel. I'm excited to see the magic system more established.  

Judging a book by its cover: I really liked the covers of the first series and this cover matches it in tone. It has a colder feel to it, so maybe we will be heading far North. The antler and skeletal face are creepy and intriguing.  


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